There are several disorders which may cause bleeding into the gut (intestine) – for example, gastric or duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, bowel polyps and bowel (colorectal) cancer.

Any heavy bleeding into your gut would be obvious because your stools (faeces) would be bloody or a very black colour. However, sometimes there is only a trickle of blood. If you only have a small amount of blood in your stools then the stools look normal. However, the FOB test will detect the blood. So, the test may be done if you have symptoms in the tummy (abdomen) such as persistent pain. It may also be done to screen for bowel cancer before any symptoms develop (see below).

Note: the FOB test can only say that you are bleeding from somewhere in the gut. It cannot tell from which part. If the test is positive then further tests will be arranged to find the source of the bleeding – usually, endoscopy and/or colonoscopy.

Our company have FOB rapid test kit with qualitative and quantitative which can read the result in 10-15 minutes.

Welcome to contact for more details.

Post time: Mar-14-2022